RWF Japan earthquake-tsunami fund raiser in San Francisco, CA.
RWF's work enables individuals and organizations to participate in the global community by donating and volunteering to help both LGBTQ+ and non-LGBTQ+ people affected by natural disasters, hunger, poverty, disease, oppression, and war.
Help coordinate a RWF Humanitarian Journey
Assist with travel planning, trip coordination and journey assistance.
Help spread the word to the community
Volunteer at or financially support our booth at your local gay pride fair.
Be a part of our office team
Help us keep RWF going by assisting with administrative tasks such as data management, mailing parties and event coordination.
RWF volunteers doing outreach at a LGBT Pride celebration.
Stay informed
Join our mailing list and get monthly updates on RWF.
Become an organizational sponsor
Raise money for RWF by making us a benefactor of your local charity event.
Keep us free
We strive to direct 100% of your contributions to communities in need. Please see our donation page for more details and for copies of our Annual Reports. Volunteers run RWF. If you wish to help cover a portion of our administrative costs simply specify that when you donate.
Have a party
Would you like to have fun and raise money for a worthy cause at the same time? Throw RWF a party! Whether at your house or a bar or club, we'd love to party with you!
Hold an auction and garage sale
Do you have stuff you're no longer using? Sell it on Ebay or have a garage sale. Once you have sold it, send the money to RWF and you'll get a tax-deduction.
Celebrate your birthday with RWF
In lieu of gifts, ask your friends and family to make a tax-deductible donation to RWF. Your birthday will have a far-reaching positive impact around the globe!
Volunteers raise the RWF World Tree of Hope in San Francisco City Hall.
Be like butta
Monthly giving is the bread and butter of our fund-raising efforts. Become a monthly sponsor! RWF offers credit card and automatic bank debiting as ways to automatically give each month and still ensure that 100% of your donation goes help to those in need. It is the easiest way to make an impact.
Contribute to our wish list
From time to time we will be publishing a wish list of items/services we need. Please keep an eye out for this and let us know if you can help.
* To inquire about volunteer opportunities or other ways to become involved, please send us an message.