News and Alerts
Links to recent RWF Email Newsletters and other media
2/17/2025 World Premiere LA Fires Fundraiser - Mar. 19 + Travel: Celebrate Pride in Cuba - May 7-17
2/3/2025 2 Events: LA Fire Fundraiser - March 1 + Celebrate Pride with us in Cuba - May 7-17
12/27/2024 LGBTQ+ Solidarity: Rescuing Lives, Restoring Hope, Standing Together!
12/20/2024 Your Impact: Saving Lives, Transforming Communities + The Power of Hope
12/9/2024 Tonight: World Tree of Hope Lighting, Monday, Dec. 9 at Grace Cathedral
9/26/2024 Volunteer: Help Decorate World Tree of Hope: Nov 2 to Dec. 1 at Grace Cathedral
12/31/2023 The Power of Compassion and Selflessness + SF Volunteer Opportunity
12/28/2023 LGBTQ+ Humanitarian Highlights of 2023 - Why Your Donations Matter!
12/14/2023 - 23 Years of Altruism + Our Impact + Global Symbol of Hope + Cuba Travel May 2024
11/21/2023 LGBTQ Symbol of Global Unity + You're Invited: Dec. 4 Holiday Tree Lighting Celebration at Grace Cathedral
10/27/2023 Guatemala Update + Volunteer: Decorate World Tree of Hope: Nov 4-26 + Invite: Tree Lighting Party: Dec. 49/11/2023 Helping Moroccan Earthquake Survivors + Cuba Project Update + Volunteer Opportunity
8/24/2023 Article published in the SF Baytimes: We Are One! Be Part of the LGBTQ+ Community’s Response to the Tragic Fires in Maui
6/12/2023 Pride 3 Volunteer Opportunities + Guatemala Travel Opportunity: July 20-306/1/2023 Ugandan "Kill the Gays" Act is Law - How You Can Help + Discover Guatemala: July 20-30
4/29/23 Drag for Cuba: Sunday Collection in Castro + LGBTQ Ukraine Benefit May 20 + Guatemala Travel July 20-302/10/2023 Turkey-Syria Earthquake Aid Fund + Celebrate Pride in Cuba + Experience Guatemala with RWF
12/30/2022 Who You Helped in 2022 + Please support RWF's Year-End Appeal
12/28/2022 Be a Lifeline to LGBTQ+ communities and children at risk + Travel with RWF in 2023
12/21/2022 LGBTQ+ Peacemaking Around the World + Travel With Us 2023 + Symbol of Global Unity
12/19/2022 What Inspires You? + Our Anniversary + LGBTQ Travel Beyond Tourism
9/15/2022 Alert: Helping LGBTQ Ugandans + Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities
6/21/2022 Update: Helping Children in Mexico + Pride Volunteer Opportunities
4/16/2022 Ukraine Easter Benefit in SF + Pride Volunteer Opportunities
3/22/2022 Ukraine Benefit- Party in San Francisco + LGBTQ Solidarity w/Ukraine
3/7/2022 Celebrate LGBTQ Pride in Cuba - May 12-22 + LGBTQ Solidarity with Ukraine
2/28/22 LGBTQ LGBTQ Solidarity with Ukraine - Emergency Fund
12/31/21 Thank You and Happy New Year + Volunteer + Travel
12/30/21 Make A Year-End Donation + Highlights of 2021 + Volunteer Opportunity + Travel
12/28/21 Be an Ambassador for LGBTQ Compassion + Cuba Travel Update + Christmas Message Redux
12/25/21 LGBTQ Christmas Message + Upcoming Grants + Cuba Travel Update
12/21/21 LGBTQ International Giving + Empowering Women in Uganda and Guatemala
11/25/21 Thanksgiving: We Are One + Helping Children in Guatemala & Mexico - Recent Grants!
10/29/21 What Is Your Wish? + Help Decorate the World Tree of Hope Nov. 6-28 + Tree Lighting Dec. 6
8/30/21 Alert: LGBTQ+ Response to Afghan and Haiti Crises + Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities
6/24/21 Trans Murders in Guatemala + SF Pride Rainbow Bus + 2022 Cuba & Guatemala Travel Dates
6/12/20 Solidarity: Black Lives Matter + LGBTQ Emergency COVID-19 Fund
12/31/19 Last Email of the Year - Donate Today - The Tremendous Power of Coming Out
Article 3/13/19: Bay Area Reporter Newspaper (BAR) — Cleve Jones to be Honored in Cuba
1/30/19 You're Invited: Volunteer & Donor Appreciation Party + Travel Opportunities Cuba & Guatemala
12/31/18 Make A Year End Donation + LGBTQ Humanitarian Highlights + Volunteer + Travel With RWF
LGBTQ Giving + Guest Editorial + Volunteer Opportunity + Cuba & Guatemala Travel
12/24/18 Happy Holidays + LGBTQ Compassion In Action + Cuba and Guatemala Journeys
12/3/18 Tonight! World Tree of Hope lighting celebration at Grace Cathedral 6:30pm to 8:30pm
10/24/18 New Home for Tree of Hope (B.A.R. Bay Area Reporter Newspaper)
9/27/18 Helping in Uganda + Castro St Fair + Cuba & Guatemala trip dates + Volunteer Opportunity
7/14/18 Helping Local HIV Poz Youth + Reflections on Cuba + Guatemala trip dates
6/11/18 Volcano in Guatemala + Upcoming LGBTQ Pride Events + Help LGBTQ Refugees
5/4/18 Cuba Beyond Tourism May 9-19 + New Board Member + Help Cuban Children and LGBTQ community
3/30/18 Open House April 1 + New Board Members + Come to Cuba May 9-19
3/24/18 You're Invited: Open House April 1 + Come to Cuba May 9-19
2/26/18 Celebrate LGBTQ Pride in Cuba - Join our humanitarian trip to Cuba May 9-19
12/30/17 Highlights + LGBTQ Giving: Why Your Donation Matters + Volunteer Opportunity + Cuba Travel
12/28/17 Make A Year-End Donation + Volunteer Opportunity + Cuba Travel
12/24/17 Our Formula For Peace + Volunteer at City Hall + Cuba Journey
12/18/17 Goodbye Mayor Lee + Share Your Wish + LGBTQ Lifelines
12/4/17 Tonight! RWF World Tree of Hope lighting at San Francisco City Hall
12/3/17 Join Us Dec. 4 For a Celebration Of Hope at SF City Hall + Cuba 2018 Trip Dates Announced
11/23/17 Thank You + Join Us Dec. 4 For a Celebration Of Hope at SF City Hall - FREE Event
11/3/17 Help Us Decorate SF City Hall Holiday Tree + Event: Wine Country Rising N CA Fire Benefit
10/26/17 Wine Country Rising: Aid to California Fire Survivors + Earthquake Video Update
10/13/17 LGBTQ Community Responds to Fires in Northern California
Article 9/28/17: Op-ed by RWF Executive Director in BAR newspaper: We Are One Human Family
9/28/17 The LGBTQ Community Responds to Puerto Rico, Mexico and US Disasters + Event
8/17/17 Helping LGBTQ Refugees + Event: Wed. Aug 16 + AIDS Walk thank you
6/23/17 Help Our Gay Brothers in Chechnya + Meet RWF in San Francisco June 25
6/12/17 Orlando Pulse Nightclub: One Year Later + AIDS Walk SF
5/10/17 Helping our global LGBTQ family in Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon + Our newest board member
1/27/17 Join us in Cuba - LGBTQ Humanitarian Journey May 10-20
12/30/16 Be am Ambassador for LGBTQ Compassion + Cuba Travel in 2017
12/28/16 Reminder: Your Donations Save Lives + LGBTQ International Volunteer Opportunity
12/7/16 Tonight: Pulse Survivors light RWF World Tree of Hope in San Francisco -Free Event
12/2/16 Pulse Survivors to light World Tree of Hope in San Francisco-Free Event-Dec. 7
11/14/16 Trump a Man of Fear & Free Event: From Uganda with Love
10/10/16 Alert: LGBTQ Community Responds to Haiti Hurricane Crisis & Upcoming Events
8/11/16 LGBTQ Promoting Peace: Upcoming Events and Thank You
6/24/16 True Pride: LGBTQ Solidarity With The World, upcoming events
6/13/16 In Solidarity With the Orlando LGBTQ Community, Pride and AIDS Walk in SF, and more
5/10/16 Saving Transgender Lives in Central America, Lobbying in DC, AIDS Walk in SF, and more
4/5/16 Join us on a LGBT Journey to Cuba and in Washington, DC
3/17/16 LGBT Humanitarianism: Join us in Cuba, Washington, DC and an Uganda Aid Update
1/29/16 LGBT Humanitarianism: A Party in Honor of You and an Award from Cuba
12/28/15 LGBT Humanitarianism: Be an Ambassador for LGBT Compassion
Articles/interviews about RWF have appeared in publications and other media throughout the United States, and around the world.
Guatemalan students holding school supplies RWF delivered.
Sirius Radio
Washington Blade
Southern Voice
Dallas Voice,
Bay Area Reporter (B.A.R.)
Bay Windows
Windy City News
Scene Magazine
OUT Magazine
Lesbian Notions
Various publications and news outlets in Canada, Europe, Australia (DNA), and Asia
Here are links to some of the coverage about RWF.
12/23/23 — We are in the process of replacing all of the Below URL links to Bay Area Reporter (B.A.R.) stories with PDF files. The B.A.R. updated their website and lost the URL links to individual articles. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Jeff Cotter Builds A Tree Of Hope With Thousands of Origami Cranes - Published by the San Francisco Examiner on October 14, 2018 - Built by careful placement of thousands of origami cranes with children’s wishes like “peace and education” and “no fighting” written into each fold, every year around this time, Jeff Cotter and his volunteer staff at the humanitarian aid organization, Rainbow World Fund begin preparations for The Tree of Hope and its seasonal display in the City Hall Rotunda. This year, however, the tree’s fate is unknown. “We heard from the mayor’s office that they cancelled the tree,” said Cotter. “We don’t know why, they won’t give us a reason. We’ve been trying to get a meeting with Mayor Breed for seven weeks,” he said, counting the days to Thanksgiving weekend when work on the 60-hour job of decorating the tree would normally begin.
Op-ed: We Are One Human Family - Published by the Bay Area Reporter on Sept. 28, 2017 - As the executive director of Rainbow World Fund, the world's first and only all-volunteer, LGBTQ-based humanitarian aid organization, I am often asked why it is important for LGBTQ people to help others beyond our own community. I have been told, "charity begins at home." But our world is interdependent and interconnected as never before, and it is essential that we expand our definition of home and family. Of course, this is nothing new to the LGBTQ community, transcending society's traditional definition of family and where we belong lies at the core of the LGBTQ movement.
Video: World Tree of Hope 2014 at Grace Cathedral, San Francisco - Published by RWF Media on Nov 6, 2014 - The Rainbow World Fund (RWF) World Tree of Hope ( ) is the largest origami decorated holiday tree in the world, standing nearly 20 feet tall and decorated with over 12,000 origami cranes and stars each hand folded and inscribed with wishes for the future of the world. The RWF World Tree of Hope is created each year as a symbol of global unity to promote peace, love and humanitarianism. The tree is created by RWF as a gift from the LGBT community to the world. This year, the tree will be displayed at Grace Cathedral in San Francisco.
Tree of Hope moves to Cathedral - Published by Bay Area Reporter on 11/27/14 by Cynthia Laird - City Hall's loss is Grace Cathedral's gain. Rainbow World Fund's World Tree of Hope, an annual holiday display promoting global unity, will be installed at Grace Cathedral next week, after the nonprofit agency was told it would have to pay $15,000 to have the tree in San Francisco City Hall.
RWF rallies LGBTs to battle Ebola - Published by Bay Area Reporter on October 30, 2014 by Heather Cassell - Concerned that Ebola could become the next HIV/AIDS epidemic, the San Francisco-based Rainbow World Fund called upon LGBTs to respond to the Ebola crisis in West Africa. "We can't allow history to repeat itself," said Jeff Cotter, a gay man who's founder and president of RWF, calling upon LGBTs to "stand in solidarity with Ebola survivors."
San Francisco World Tree of Hope is LGBT Community Christmas Gift - Published by Huffington Post on 12/20/13 - San Francisco's lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community offered up its stunning annual holiday gift -- a 22-foot Christmas tree decorated with over 12,000 origami cranes and stars.
2013 World Tree of Hope - 1 minute time lapse video - Published by RWF Media on Dec 18, 2013 - Do you have a wish for the world? Give your wish wings and help decorate the World Tree of Hope. This December, thousands of origami cranes inscribed with wishes for the future of the world will grace the World Tree of Hope in the Rotunda of San Francisco City Hall.
LGBT humanitarian group raises aids Philippines survivors - Published by Bay Area Reporter on 11/13/13 by Seth Hemmelgarn - Rainbow World Fund, an LGBT-headed humanitarian group based in San Francisco, is raising money for survivors of the deadly Typhoon Haiyan, which recently struck the Philippines and killed thousands of people.
State Dept. releases human rights report (RWF reports on Cuban Trip) - Published by Bay Area Reporter on 5/31/12 by Heather Cassell - San Francisco LGBT humanitarians recently extended a helping hand to queer Cubans through the Rainbow World Fund. RWF has been taking members on humanitarian trips to Asia, the Caribbean, Latin America, and other parts of the world for the past 12 years. Cuba is the most recent of those trips, said Jeff Cotter, executive director of the RWF, who traveled with a group of 13 volunteers to Cuba at the end of March.
Video: LGBT Pride Local Hero 2012: Jeff Cotter - Published by KQED May 31, 2012 - A native of the United Kingdom, Jeff has worked in the HIV/AIDS and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) civil rights fields since 1987. In 2000, he founded Rainbow World Fund (RWF) to promote LGBT philanthropy in the area of global humanitarian relief and to provide a platform and a united voice for LGBT compassion and concern.
Cuban Leader's daughter discusses Gay rights - Published by Bay Area Reporter 5/24/12 by Matthew S. Bajko- Sexologist Mariela Castro, the daughter of Cuban President Raul Castro, stopped just short of endorsing same-sex marriage during an appearance at San Francisco's LGBT Community Center Wednesday night.
Jeff Cotter Rallies For LGBT Involvement In Global Philanthropy (HuffPost Greatest Person Of The Day) Huffington Postpublished on: 8/15/11 Though he's long been considered a proponent for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights, Jeff Cotter is the type of activist who prefers to show strength in solidarity.
Radio Interview: KALW 91.7 Public Radio, San Francisco, Recorded On: 4/29/2010
Gay Global Giving Interviewed by Eric Jensen - Eric Jansen's guests are Jeff Cotter and Karen Kai of the Rainbow World Fund, which encourages LGBT Americans to help disaster victims and other poor people around the globe. But why on Earth should we send our queer dollars to some of the most homophobic countries on the planet? Cotter and Kai say their work and our philanthropy are opening minds around the world and here at home.
Huffington Post Published On: 2/10/2010
Out and About: LGBT Legal - A New Currency by Lisa A. Linsky - Experiencing compassion presents us with opportunities to expand beyond
ourselves, and to contribute to one another in extraordinary and transformative ways.
And in times of disaster, when compassion manifests, it provides the lifeline of hope
to those in distress.
SF Baytimes Posted On: 1/21/2010
Haitian Relief Benefit Set for Jan. 25 by Sister Dana Van Iquity - San Francisco comedians will again take the Deco Lounge stage for Haiti earthquake relief on Jan. 25,
following the success of the Jan. 18-Haiti fundraiser, raising $1,500. These two Monday comedy nights,
known as “Funny Mondays at Deco Lounge,” will benefit the Rainbow World Fund’s-(RWF) earthquake
relief efforts in Haiti. Some of San Francisco’s funniest veteran comedians will be featured on the
stellar line-ups.
Bay Area Reporter Posted On: 1/21/2010
LGBTs act locally to help people in Haiti by Seth Hemmelgarn - Since a magnitude 7.0 earthquake hit Haiti last week, LGBTs in San Francisco have been working to raise thousands of dollars to help.
Edge, Boston, MA Posted On: 1/18/2010
LGBT groups join Haiti earthquake relief effort by Michael K. Lavers - The San Francisco-based Rainbow World Fund is among the myriad of organizations around the world that
continue to raise money and support the Haiti earthquake relief effort.
Dallas Voice Posted On: 1/14/2010
Stepping up to help in Haiti by Joe Mirabella - Rainbow World Fund gives LGBT people an outlet to send aid to the impoverished island nation devastated by an earthquake.
Melbourne Community Voice, Australia Posted On: 1/10/2010
GLBT charity helps out in Haiti by Ron Hughes - The international GLBT community is rallying to help victims of the devastating earthquakes in Haiti.
SF BayTimes Posted On:12/10/2009
Tree of Hope Lighting Ceremony at SF City Hall by Dennis McMillan - The Tree of Hope lighting ceremony took place at San Francisco City Hall on Dec. 2 and featured special guests such as actress Sharon Gless, atomic bomb survivor Takahashi Tanemori, and singer Veronica Klaus.
SF BayTimes Posted On:11/26/2009
Do You Have A Wish For The World? by Dennis McMillan - “I wish for a world where all people are treated with dignity, respect, and equality – no matter who you are or who you love,” Hilary Clinton wishes. Hilary’s wish is one of thousands of wishes etched onto origami cranes and included in a global holiday project, the Tree of Hope - promoting peace, love, and humanitarianism.
SF BayTimes Posted On:6/4/2009
Guatemalan Humanitarian Aid Trip Planned by Rainbow World Fund by Dennis McMillan - Throngs of supporters crowded into the Rainbow World Fund (RWF) Castro office on May 31 for a kick-off party for RWF’s 6th annual humanitarian aid journey to Guatemala.
SF BayTimes Posted On:12/18/2008
Tree of Hope Unveiled by Rainbow World Fund at City Hall by Dennis McMillan - Five thousand origami cranes expressing wishes from around the world decorated the 22-foot tall evergreen Tree of Hope, which was unveiled at a ceremony in City Hall open to all, thanks to the sponsorship of Mayor Gavin Newsom, newlywed Jennifer Siebel Newsom, and the Rainbow World Fund (RWF).
SF BayTimes Posted On: 9/18/2008
Rainbow World Fund Gearing Up for Bus of Hope by Dennis McMillan San Francisco queer humanitarian aid agency Rainbow World Fund is hitting the road in October with the “Bus of Hope,” and it is looking for volunteers and donors right now. The eight-year-old LGBT-and-friends aid organization is currently packing its school bus - a rainbow-colored fixture seen at recent Pride events and in the Castro - with 5,000 pounds of medical supplies, medicines, and school supplies to aid community groups in Tijuana, Mexico.
LGBT Group gets aid to Burma - Published by the Bay Area Reporter on 5/18/08 by Kris Lawson - The world is still watching as horrible pictures continue to emerge sporadically from Burma, where a powerful cyclone hit May 3, killing over 28,000 people instantly, according to media reports. As many as 1.5 million people have been affected by the crisis, left without food, clean water, or homes.
Passport Magazine Posted On: 3/9/2008
Voluntourism by Andrew Mersmann - There isn't yet a broad range of gay-specific volunteer outreach opportunities, but the major one we have access to, the Rainbow World Fund, makes up in quality for the dearth of choice.
Aware Magazine Posted On: 3/1/2008
Guatemala - On July 21st of this year, San Francisco's Rainbow World Fund (RWF) journeyed for a fourth time to Guatemala bringing a group of 15 people from the United States and Cananda.
SF Bay Times Posted On: 12/14/2007
Tree of Hope on Display at City Hall by Dennis McMillan - The Tree of Hope was lit during a unique and boisterous Mayor’s event at City Hall that brought members of the LGBT community, the Japanese-American community, and religious leaders together. Over 120 people had folded origami, and it took over 600 hours to put the whole project together
Bay Area Reporter Posted On: 12/13/2007
Merry-making in the holiday season by Donna Sachet - We were delighted to assist in the lighting of the Tree of Hope in the rotunda of City Hall last week along with Greg Sherrell of 92.7FM radio. Created by the Rainbow World Fund, organized by Jeff Cotter and Paul Stankiewicz, this stately tree is covered with sparkling white lights and meticulously folded origami cranes and stars, each of which contains a personal wish written by contributors from far and wide.
Bay Area Reporter Posted On: 12/13/2007
Homos for the Holidays by Libby Post - The organization that gets our money at this time of year is the Rainbow World Fund ( The brainchild of San Francisco-based psychiatric social worker Jeff Cotter, Rainbow World Fund is a relief organization that bundles LGBT philanthropic giving for humanitarian projects throughout the world.
Bay Area Reporter Posted On: 11/29/2007
'Tree of Hope' comes to City Hall by Seth Hemmelgarn - A San Francisco-based, LGBT humanitarian aid group is asking everyone to make a wish for the world.
For the second year, Rainbow World Fund will have a "Tree of Hope" in San Francisco City Hall. The organization is inviting people around the world to send their wishes, which will be printed out, folded into origami cranes and hung on the 20-foot white fir tree.
SF Bay Times Posted On: 9/13/2007
Sister Jeannine Fights the Vatican for LGBT Rights
by Dennis McMillan
In a reception held on Sept. 9 at the Rainbow World Fund headquarters in the Castro, the public was invited to meet one of the most unlikely and fascinating gay rights activists of our time. Star of the documentary, In Good Conscience, and one of the few women in history to take on the Vatican and win, Sister Jeannine Gramick has been a beacon of light for the LGBT Community since 1977 when she co-founded New Ways Ministry, working tirelessly for the rights of all.
Bay Area Reporter Posted On: 9/06/2007
Nun named to RWF board by Seth Hemmelgarn - The Catholic nun who has spent more than 30 years advocating for gays and lesbians – even after the pope ordered her to stop – recently joined Rainbow World Fund's board of directors.
Bay Area Reporter Posted On: 8/30/2007
Gay aid group back from Guatemala by Seth Hemmelgarn - The chatter of the Sunday afternoon Castro crowd and the whir of traffic outside its 18th Street office can be heard clearly, but as Rainbow World Fund's Jeff Cotter and Paul Stankiewicz talk about the group's recent aid trip to Guatemala, it's easy to forget where you are. Surrounded by mementos from around the world, the pair talked about the colorful clothes of indigenous Mayans and narrow prayer caves blackened by the soot of 500 years worth of candles. They also talk about the struggles of the country's people, including those who are LGBT.
Bay Area Reporter Posted On: 8/23/2007
Relief Group Aids Peru Quake Victims by Seth Hemmelgarn - The magnitude 8 earthquake that hit part of Peru on August 15 might seem like a remote problem to people in the Bay Area, but the Rainbow World Fund is counting on donors, especially from the LGBT community, to help survivors.
San Francisco Bay Times Posted On: 8/23/2007
Queers Pitch in for Earthquake Relief in Peru by Dennis McMillan - The LGBT community is responding to the earthquake disaster in Peru when a magnitude 8 quake struck Peru on Wednesday, August 15, devastating the city of Ica and the port of Pisco. The death toll has risen to over 500, and thus far 1,600 have been reported injured. A quarter of Ica’s buildings collapsed. The LGBT based international relief agency, Rainbow World Fund (RWF), has created an emergency fund to provide food, safe water, plastic for shelter, blankets, and basic medicines to survivors.
MetroWeekly, Washington DC Posted On: 7/5/2007
The Rainbow Samaritan by Will O'Bryan - The pleas for pink dollars are never ending, an annoying byproduct of the increasingly well-oiled machine of GLBT politicking. Whether it's to fight HIV/AIDS, gain basic civil rights, allow gays to serve in the military, secure residency for foreign partners, or any number of other issues directly affecting the GLBT community, there is ample opportunity to give till it hurts.
Bay Area Reporter Posted On: 6/21/2007
Grand Marshals: Rainbow World Fund's Road Trip by Jim Provenzano - Imagine riding in a bus painted in rainbow colors. But instead of lip-synching songs around Southern California, your bus travels to Mexico, bringing medical and art supplies to children. Then it takes you to Guatemala, where you learn about poverty-stricken communities, and how to help them.
San Francisco Bay Times Posted On: 8/21/2007
Rainbow World Fund: Queer Humanitarianism by Dennis McMillian - Rainbow World Fund—an LGBT humanitarian service agency promoting queer philanthropy for world compassionate relief—recently delivered medical and school supplies and financial assistance to help some of Guatemala's most needy children.
Castro Courier Posted On: 4/30/2007
Rainbow World Fund—the Castro's International Relief Agency by Christine Lias - In between various projects, the Castro's own Rainbow World Fund (RWF) was recently voted organizational grand marshal for the 2007 LGBT Pride Parade. It is a high honor for the LGBT nonprofit that is less than a decade old.
Lavender: Minnesota's GLBT Magazine Posted On: 10/27/2006
Sweet Charity by Libby Post - When Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans in 2005, my partner, Lynn, and I were transfixed by the images on television—the death and destruction, the despair and heartbreak. Then, I received an e-mail from the Human Rights Campaign about helping, with a link to a group called the Rainbow World Fund (RWF).
OutNow Magazine Posted On: 9/30/2006
Making A Difference One Village At A Time by Patrick Letellier - Thirteen gay men and women from the United States have just arrived in Guatemala with Jeff Cotter for a ten-day journey around the country organized by the Rainbow World Fund, the international GLBT humanitarian aid group Cotter founded six years ago, and the only one of its kind in the world.
Bay Area Reporter Posted On: 8/17/2006
Successful Trip to Guatemala for RWF Volunteers by Patrick Letellier - The massive Guatemala City garbage dump may seem an unlikely destination for a group of 14 lesbians and gay men from the United States, plus one straight woman from Canada, but most are pleased to be here. The group is on an eight-day journey around Guatemala organized by the Rainbow World Fund, a San Francisco-based lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender humanitarian aid group, the first and only group of its kind in the world.
Voices Posted On: 8/2006
HAFTARAH: Comfort, oh Comfort My People by Jeany Heller - Last year, Kolot’s Tisha B’av observance included reading aloud a list of about 25 genocides that have occurred not only to the Jewish people but to other ethnicities and nationalities in world history.Included was the genocide that occurred in Guatemala of 200,000 indigenous peoples (Mayans) in 1981-1983, which I pretty much randomly selected it for the list. About six weeks later, I was part of a small group organized by the Rainbow World Fund (a queer humanitarian aid organization) that traveled to Guatemala...
Bay Area Reporter Posted On: 7/20/2006
Rainbow World Fund sets up shop in the Castro by Jason Victor Serinus - After six years of operating out of a "virtual" office of home computers in living rooms, the Rainbow World Fund has just opened an office in San Francisco's Castro District. Located above Harvey's bar in the hub of the famed neighborhood at 18th and Castro streets, RWF is now positioned to further realize its mission as a humanitarian service agency that provides LGBT philanthropic assistance to people suffering from hunger, poverty, disease, oppression, and war.
Washington Blade Posted On: 7/4/2006
For a good gay cause (Gay) - Rainbow Fund seeks gay money to fight world poverty: By ELIZABETH A. PERRY - The Rainbow World Fund is asking gay men and lesbians to dig deep into their philanthropic pockets to help promote human relief efforts across the globe. Rainbow World Fund joined officials from CARE, a humanitarian organization fighting global poverty, at the National Advocacy Conference in Washington, D.C., held June 7-8 to address issues of government funding, global poverty and HIV/AIDS.
San Francisco Bay Times exclusive Posted On: 6/22/2006
Rainbow World Fund Announces Summer Relief Efforts by Dennis McMillan - From the halls of Congress to the mountains of Guatemala to the heart of the Castro, the Rainbow World Fund (RWF) has announced a busy summer schedule of relief and fundraising efforts, and they want queer people to participate. Their mission stresses the importance of LGBT people being a voice for other oppressed people around the world. exclusive Posted On: 2/4/2006
The Community Steps Up for Tsunami Relief The devastation wrought by the tsunami that hit Southeast Asia last December has been overwhelming. At press time, over 220,000 deaths in 11 countries had been reported. Across the U.S., members of the gay community have been decisive in their desire to show compassion and caring for people impacted by this event...
San Francisco Bay Times exclusive Posted On: 1/5/2006
Rainbow World Fund Accomplishes Much in ‘05 by Dennis McMillan - Rainbow World Fund and other like-minded organizations are reaching out to share what HIV/AIDS and the civil rights struggle have taught queers about caring, giving, and loving. RWF is changing how the world sees LGBT people through their giving time, energy, and money to devastated parts of the planet... exclusive Posted On: 12/2005
OUT Magazine 100 List: Person of the Year: Politics/Culture
This year, all of us were moved to give to those most in need. But so many so-called "humanitarian" charities contribute to anti-gay causes. Which ones are safe?Related local gay resources LGBT Media - The Rainbow World Fund, started five years ago by Jeff Cotter, makes giving easy. Not only does donating through the fund guarantee a homophobia-free contribution, it also raises the visibility of LGBT philanthropy, which otherwise wouldn't be tracked... exclusive Posted On: 12/22/2005
Making a difference - If making charitable donations is a part of your holiday tradition, then Jeff Cotter wants your money. Cotter is the founder and president of the San Francisco-based Rainbow World Fund (RWF) a one-of-a-kind nonprofit that facilitates LGBT philanthropy on a variety of international humanitarian relief projects (see “Doing God’s Work,” July 28). The organization sprang into action two days after Hurricane Katrina made landfall in September, raising more than $300,000 within the LGBT community to provide food to victims.. exclusive Posted On: 12/2005
When gays save the world by Jeff Cotter for We're coming to the end of an extraordinary year for gay philanthropy. As I reflect back on the LGBT community's response to the terrible tragedies of the past 12 months -- the Asian tsunami, Hurricane Katrina, the Guatemalan mudslides, the Kashmir earthquake and so many others -- I am filled with pride and gratitude...
Gay City News exclusive Posted On: 12/1/2005
Gay Relief on the World Map - Jeffrey Cotter believes that it is important to offer aid to people in need around the globe and also critical that the gay community demonstrate that it is committed to that goal. In New York earlier this month for the OUT 100 awards ceremony, Cotter took advantage of his time here to further awareness in this
city of his initiative, the Rainbow World Fund (RWF), an LGBT...
DNA Lounge exclusive Posted On: 11/2005
Gay charity focuses on Africa food crisis
by Larry Buhl, PlanetOut - Fresh off a campaign to help tsunami victims, which raised nearly a quarter of a million dollars since
December, the only LGBT world relief agency, Rainbow World Fund, is now focusing on aid for droughtravaged Niger... exclusive Posted On: 8/2005
Key West Gay and Lesbian Community Responds to Katrina
In the wake of Hurricane Katrina's path of destruction and grief, Americans everywhere have opened their checkbooks, cupboards and hearts to provide much-needed assistance to the shell-shocked and displaced survivors of last week's storm... exclusive Posted On: 7/28/2005
Doing God's work - When he traveled from his hometown of San Francisco to Guatemala on a humanitarian aid trip in the spring of 2004 Jeff Cotter was struck by how often he ran into ordinary people doing extraordinary things. There was the Guatemalan woman concerned about the lack of healthcare in her community, so she recruited a group of local women to help found a clinic...
An exclusive posted January 07, 2005
Human Rights Campaign gives $100,000 to tsunami relief - A humanitarian service agency that seeks charitable contributions from the gay community announced on Wednesday that it had received a gift of $100,000 from the Human Rights Campaign Foundation to support tsunami relief efforts in Southeast Asia.
Associated Press material © Associated Press
An exclusive posted January 20, 2005
Rainbow of help by Patrick LetellierIn the first 10 days after a devastating tsunami hit southeast Asia on December 26, killing at least 150,000 people, Jeff Cotter’s Rainbow World Fund raised over $150,000 for relief from within the gay and lesbian community
Published: Thursday, January 6, 2005
LGBT community responds to tsunami disaster
Rainbow World Fund promotes GLBT philanthropic giving in humanitarian relief
By Laura Kiritsy
As the largest humanitarian aid effort in history continues in the wake of the Dec. 26 South Asian tsunami, one organization is banking on the generosity of the GLBT community to help the ease the suffering of the disaster's millions of victims. The Rainbow World Fund (RWF) is an organization that promotes GLBT philanthropic giving in the area of world humanitarian relief. Founded in 2000 by Jeffrey Cotter, a 42-year-old social worker from San Francisco, the nonprofit organization has focused primarily on combating hunger, increasing access to safe drinking water, eradicating landmines and fighting HIV/AIDS. Last year, according to, a national database of nonprofit organizations, RWF delivered "hundreds of pounds of medical and school supplies" during an aid trip to Guatemala and produced "Live at the Lodge," a concert featuring Veronica Klaus, Mark Weigle, and Armistead Maupin, to raise money for Haitian flood relief. When the tsunami hit, said Cotter, it was only natural that RWF would marshal resources for the relief effort.
Dallas Voice –– By David Webb, Staff Writer Staff Writer - Jan 2005
Gay churches extend help to tsunami victims - San Francisco-based international relief group keeps track of GLBT contributions - Dallas’ two largest GLBT congregations have linked with international relief efforts to provide aid to survivors of the tsunami disaster in Southern Asia. The Cathedral of Hope and White Rock Community Church have scheduled special offerings during their Sunday services on Jan. 9 to assist the homeless residents of Thailand, India, Indonesia and other areas devastated by massive waves that struck Dec. 26. The tsunami were spawned by a powerful earthquake that rocked the northern Indian Ocean. The Cathedral of Hope is cooperating with the Rainbow World Fund, a San Francisco-based gay group, which will in turn forward funds to CARE, the global humanitarian organization. White Rock Community Church has identified World Vision International, a Christian relief group, to provide help.
Published January 1, 20115 by Andrew Davis -- Windy City Media Group
U.S. and Chicago Respond to Disaster - Rainbow World Fund ( RWF ) , a San Francisco-based LGBT relief agency, is urging the community to contribute in response to the tsunami disaster that struck several spots in Asia. The number of people that died from the natural disaster is well into six figures; countless others are homeless or are still missing.
Published Thursday, December 30, 2004. By Larry Buhl, Planet -- Out Network
Gay group helps tsunami relief efforts - As the death toll from Sunday's earthquake and tsunamis rockets past 100,000, dozens of relief organizations are working overtime to provide immediate and long-term relief to survivors. One of the organizations raising money is the Rainbow World Fund (, the first LGBT world relief agency.