Travel With RWF
Join RWF on a humanitarian aid journey. Encounter new lands and peoples in a way that values them, deepens your spirituality, broadens your worldview, and begins to heal the world. Learn about the cultural, historical, spiritual, and political realities of the developing world. Explore human rights issues with a people whose traditions span centuries of development. Experience ancient, colonial, and modern influences that have molded cultures of unique strength and deep faith. Help deliver medical and educational supplies ... be forever changed.
Rainbow World Fund at the LGBTQ Pride Parade in Havana, Cuba.
Cuba - MAY 7-17, 2025
Rainbow World Fund has been visiting Cuba since 2012. Our journey is educational, focusing on Cuba's history, politics, and spirituality. We will learn from the Cubans about the realities of their country. We'll visit projects that serve the Cuban people and meet with members of the LGBTQ+ community, church leadership, artists, and leaders in many fields. We will learn about Cuban history, from its colonial past to its revolutionary present, plus how the complex historical relationship between the U.S and Cuba remains ever-changing. During our visit you will gain insight into the struggles and hopes of the Cuban people. We will visit places such as medical clinics, programs that serve the elderly, art institutions, schools, and other historical and cultural sights. The many highlights include participating in the LGBTQ+ Pride celebrations in Havana. Learn more here.
RWF volunteers at Project Safe Passage in Guatemala City, Guatemala.
Guatemala - 2026 dates TBA
Rainbow World Fund has been visiting Guatemala since 2004. Since then, over 100 RWF volunteers have delivered 7000 pounds of medical and school supplies valued at over $900,000 along with $119,000 in grants. Some of the many projects that RWF supports include a women's clinic in Guatemala City, an orphanage in Santa Apolonia, a water project in the Mayan village of Tapesquillo, a school in Santa Cruz del Quiché, Project Safe Passage at the Guatemala City garbage dump, projects that support the LGBTQ+ community in Guatemala City. Participants are asked to collect medical and school supplies during the months prior to departure. Each person is allowed two 50lbs bags on international flights. Our groups have made a huge difference in the lives of hundreds. These vital supplies come from doctors and hospitals in the U.S. that we contact before our trips. The antibiotics, anti-fungals, diabetes medications and HIV medications all mean the difference between life and death in Guatemala.
Besides delivering much needed aid, our group acts as ambassadors for LGBTQ+ human rights, meeting with individuals and groups, from school children, rural villagers, shamans and religious leaders speaking openly of our experiences as LGBTQ+ people. This has led to fantastic conversations and sharing. It has been amazing to see the shifts in parts of the culture regarding acceptance of LGBTQ +people over the last several years. Learn more here.
RWF volunteers with Congresswoman Barbara Lee in Washington, DC.
WASHINGTON, DC 2026 (dates TBA)
Since 2005, RWF volunteers have traveled to Washington, DC as part of the CARE National Advocacy Conference to meet with Congressional officials to advocate on behalf of humanitarian development for many different issues including: international HIV/AIDS funding, changes in the current “abstinence only” earmarks to HIV prevention aid, increased funding for healthcare, climate change adaptation assistance for developing nations, basic human rights, and for the protection of refugee populations.
The conference is a two-day annual event where RWF donors and supporters take part in the fight against global poverty on a policy level. The conference is hosted by our partner CARE - one of the oldest and most respected humanitarian aid providers. RWF has partners with CARE regularly on several disaster relief and development projects. This is a great opportunity to learn how Washington, DC works and to speak with your Senate and House representatives about important humanitarian issues. This two-day event is a unique opportunity to participate in keeping American policymakers focused on the issues of poverty, women's empowerment, equity and social justice. The conference features policy seminars by issue experts (in the past speakers have included Senator Barack Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and economist Jeffrey Sacks) and meetings with Congressional members to deliver this message: "now is the time to end global poverty." In these challenging times, we can help ensure that the voices of the poor are heard on Capitol Hill.
* To inquire about our journeys please send us a message and please include you telephone number.